Monday, April 27, 2009

RIP - Microsoft

An interesting article to give you a heads up on the common Paradigm about microsoft.
I believe it to be wise that one extend their learning experience with other platforms. I learnt on Mac, experimented with linux and can conclude that they behave streets ahead of windows. Unfortunately my main program for study used is not yet operational on the before mentioned. The point being, keep an open mind to what is available, (opensource or standard)and make sure your needs are met which could also include your wallet ability.
Here is the link

an Innovative tool for school the pocket, and mobility

Came across a link for learning. Its quite impressive that this Kiwi Nathan Kerr wins the "Most Innovative teacher Award" for 2008 at Microsoft International
Here's an interview.

<br/><a href="" target="_new" title="Nathan Kerr, New ZealandNathan Kerr, New Zealand">Video: Nathan Kerr, New ZealandNathan Kerr, New Zealand</a>