Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Linux - an approach to netbooks

I love Linux, and as soon as they are able to create a program like onenote I'll convert immediately to that platform. For Noobs Linux is a platform for doing your mahi on your computer, just as windows works for most of you now; Linux does pretty much the same except its 100% free, safer(security is still required but is more challenging to hackers to enter), quicker(because it require less resources to operate) and because it is opensource (developers or programers are able to configure it to their own needs) it has many potential options for advanced tech people.
This is an article on the market that Linux is entering. For new people,it is always a good idea to keep an eye every now an then on the market to make informed choices in the far or near future.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Video Conferencing... another option

Who would have thought, well actually thats a moot point because obviously many millions have thought so far. that using a Modular Object Orientated Dynamic Learning Environment (Moodle) could be used at school.It was my first time to use a platform of this nature for University. It works well I think and to utilise this within a class or school wide environ has many implications. Moodle used for Video Conferenceing to me was the high end of Business and corporate dealings, not for learning. After reading this article it seemed doable.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A little help from Twitter for teachers.

9 reason to Twitter in schools. If its a teacher you're gunning for or a teacher you are, consider the reflective implications twitter can provide. This little dosie has credibility especially when it comes to expression of a reflective evaluation in 140 characters.I would need to cut to the 'core' of the issue quickly. Sure building the team to bounce off can come with a time cost, but so does reflection on personal development or in teacher language PD( professional development.)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

elearning on the Local scene

Kaitieke a local school in the King Country District is front page on epal.com where they are collaborating with a US school of a similar demographic on Biodiversity.
I taught there for my 4 week Practicum in Nov 2008. Elearning with Waikato University on a teaching degree in "Telecommunications in Education" paper is the next best thing since the fax machine. These students will become the leaders in elearning and collaborative project in a global village of peers. They are currantly seen as experts on biodiversity from their global peers and are lumped with the task of answering a truck load of questions from them.